How to feel at. HOME, wherever you are.

How many times have you found yourself feeling far away from home or just wanting to be home. I started to think about it, I decided to really break it down for myself what it is I need in those moments. I realized that home is where you feel safe, connected, understood, and loved.  The more present and engaged you feel within yourself, the easier it will be to feel at home anywhere. The following is what I discovered.

 Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.  Take a nice big deep breathe in to fill up your heart space with thoughts of peace and then match it with a deep breathe out to release any negative thoughts. It’s amazing what deep breathing can do for our bodies. Now find that space right behind your closed eyes, and start to make that space your home.  Ask yourself, what does your space look and feel like?  Think about what makes you feel safe and connected. Is it the warmth you feel on your skin. Is it the beautiful colors you see? Perhaps it is the view you look out at? Or possibly it’s all of your surroundings combined?

For me it’s a combination of my favorite things; to be in a soft cozy space. I Imagine a fluffy, cushy spot that I’m nuzzled into where I feel nice and warm, there is no chill in the air. I am surrounded by  bright healing light, and my favorite smell of fresh salty ocean air with my toes squished into the warm sand. The golden light of the sun is warming me from above. These are things that bring me comfort, grounding into the sand makes me feel connected, dropping into my heart center makes me feel understood and loved, and knowing I am surrounded by my favorite things makes me feel safe.

This is my HOME I have created for myself, when I close my eyes and go within. I can find this place wherever I am. For, it is always within me. This space behind your eyes is within all of us, and it just takes a few moments for us to create it and settle into it. We all have times when anxiety or stress can creep in and start that trip down the dark rabbit hole. If we can give ourselves this gift, we will quickly realize that home can be anywhere we go.





Think about it, HOME is heaven on mother earth. If we ground ourselves into her. We will feel her thick grounding, calming energy. Mother Earth is always there, and we are all connected, like the deep roots in a tree that keeps it steady all the years of its life. There are plenty of ways to explore the world around you and have the physical sense of home, but it is important to remember to also look inside yourself and let that be your guide home. 


Marissa Hutchinson- Aspiring Yogi

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