Root – Adrenal Glands

Food is medicine, we have all heard that saying right?! How about eating the rainbow? I want to share with you the reason why we need to eat the rainbow. I will go through each color and how it relates to helping our bodies to heal itself.

Red is connected to the Root Chakra energy body, our Root Chakra governs your auto-immune & skeletal systems. It relates to survival, fight or flight response, being grounded, feeling safe. When your root chakra is out of balance you may find you suffer from frequent problems with your legs, feet, knees, the base of the spine, buttocks & sciatica. All of these emotions/experiences affect the Adrenal glands, which then in turn affect our neuroendocrine system. We are all human and part of the human experience is to have those emotions, but how can we help our bodies repair itself when we start to tax our adrenals and want to avoid adrenal fatigue wich will inevitably lead to an autoimmune disease? Start by eating the color RED from plant-based foods, supplying red-colored phytonutrients such as Lycopene, Anthocyanins, & Astaxanthin. Eating whole foods high in minerals such as Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Selenium.

So do your body a favor and start adding these healing foods to your daily food intake:

RED Colored Foods: Apples – Blood Orange – Cherries – Cranberries – Nectarines – Pink Grapefruit – Pomegranate – Raspberries – Red Currants – Red Pears – Red Plums – Strawberries – Watermelon – Beets – Radishes – Red Bell Peppers – Red Cabbage – Red Chard – Red Pepper – Red Onion – Red Potatoes – Tomato-Based Products – Tomatoes

RED Herbal Teas: Rose Hip – Hibiscus – Rooibos

Foods High In Minerals:

CALCIUM: Sesame Seeds – White Beans – Almonds – Mung Beans – Spinach – Collard Greens – Kidney Beans

ZINC: Oysters – Beef – Sesame Seeds – Turkey – Pumpkin Seeds – Adzuki Beans – Wild Rice – Soy – Pine Nuts – Cashew Nuts – White Beans – Black Beans

IRON: Beef – Lamb – Soy – White Beans – Sesame Seeds – Kidney Beas – Black Turtle Beans – Lentils – Mung Beans – Lima Beans – Cocoa – Navy Beans – Pumkin Seeds

SELENIUM: Brazil nuts – Pork – Turkey – Chicken – Eggs – Fish – Sunflower Seeds – Wheat – Barley – Oysters – Pinto Beans – Sesame Seeds

( 1 Brazil nut a day is a full dose of Selenium !! , Selenium protects against Mercury)

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