Sacral – Creativity & Reproductive Health

Orange is the next color out of the rainbow of foods to eat, read on to learn how eating plant-based Orange colors will help the body heal. Orange is related to the Sacral chakra energy body. The Sacral Chakra represents our creative instincts and pleasure impulse, emotions, partnerships, sexuality. Orange foods supply our hormones and reproductive health. Think of Orange and the Sacral Chakra as the flow of your body. When the energy of the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, you may suffer from problems with your kidneys, urinary tract, or reproductive system.

Plant-based Orange foods have nutrients such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, curcuminoids. Carotenoids (beta-carotene) are linked with fertility and hormone production. Curcuminoids (Turmeric) is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which can help with symptoms of depression and arthritis.

Not necessarily orange in color but just as important in keeping the flow of your body in balance is the role of healthy fats and oils. Every cell in our body has cell walls made of fat, our brains are mainly composed of fat, so it is essential to have healthy fats to think clearly and balance our emotions. You will nourish your flow with the right balance of quality oils and fats as well as orange foods.

So do your body a favor and start adding these healing foods to your daily food intake:

ORANGE colored foods: Apricot-Bell Pepper-Cantaloupe-Carrot-Curry Powder-Kumquat-Mango-Nectarine-Orange-Papaya-Peach-Persimmon-Pumpkin-Squash (acorn, butternut, kabocha)-Sweet Potato-Tangerine-Turmeric Powder, Turmeric Root-Yam

Heathy Fats & Oils: Sesame Oil-Hempseed Oil-Flaxseed Oil-Fish Oil-Coconut Oil-Extra Virgin Olive Oil-Avocado Oil-Nuts and Seeds


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